I came across this post (via a link on friend's blog) which is
profoundly and perfectly titled: 

Dear Angels, (Never let go)

A MUST read for anyone with children.
click on picture for artist's sight
Yep, we too are ¢heap like that!

I have been inspired to write this post after reading my friend Rachel's post covering the same topic here:  Because I'm ¢heap Like That.  In her post she mentions all the the corners she cuts or what I call brilliant ways of pinching pennies.  I'm always up for saving a buck or two!

These are a few areas where we have managed to save:

What was once a place for harboring the monstrosity we so often used for re-heating our food and popping those never-ending bags of popcorn, is now a barren space.  Yes, if you haven't guessed already, we rid ourselves of...
dun, dun, dun...
(couldn't help myself...the picture above just reminds me of a nightmarish Alfred Hitchock movie)
The Microwave.

UPDATE:  after I started this post, we did end up filling the void with our toaster (temporarily of course).... I think we shall get a toaster oven.

"Why?", you may be asking yourself right now.  How could anyone NOT have a microwave.  Everyone has a microwave!  Well, atleast everyone in the 20th Century...Right?  Wrong!

Well, hopefully you will see things from our perspective after you read this (or at the very least understand where we are coming from):

Chris and I had the wonderful opportunity this past Saturday to go and hear both Larry and Brenda Farris speak on their experiences in homeschooling their 3 boys. 
Extraordinary story...Extraordinary couple!

They shared plenty of laughable, touching and monumental moments in their homeschooling lives.  But most importantly what Chris & I gained from that evening is that while we are teaching our own children we need to be more "in-tune" with the Spirit of God.  And to be sure to stop and ponder {often... no, Always} on those precious moments as they occur!
To Larry out there, if you are reading this, "We Got It!".

Another wonderful thing we experienced that evening {outside of homeschooling} was that the host, Laree Duncan had such a beautiful home and...
on her walls was the EXACT color I am wanting to paint our school/playroom!
It was so nice to be able to point that out for Chris to see instead of trying to explain to him the exact color of green I am wanting.
Thank you Laree for sharing your gorgeous home with us!

Oh and if you are looking for a cool way to set up your children's chores...here is another really cool thing Laree shared with us.  She mentioned that she got the idea from a TJEd book.  I believe that would be from the Home Companion.
Check it out...

Each envelope is programmed for each room in her home.

In each of these envelopes you will find laminated cards identifying each job/chore/service opportunity (depending on how you look at it) within that room...
such as these examples below:
I never did ask what the (A) & (B) were for but I presume that it may classify the level of difficulty.
(A)'s being easier than (B)'s.

These cards are then divided up between the children and placed into another set of envelopes below the "rooms" envelopes and labeled as "IN".
When the chore/job/service opportunity is completed...the card then gets moved to the "OUT" envelope.
Each child has their own set of "IN" & "OUT" envelopes as you can see in the picture below:
Laree mentions that she purchased the envelopes at a teaching supply store.
Laree didn't have these laminated.  But I'm thinking that you could experiment in laminating them & in using a exacto blade (or razor blade type tool), you could carefully slice open the tops of the envelopes.

Once again Audrey Dexter (the amazing woman behind the scenes), you put together a wonderful night!
Thank you!!!
Absolutely Nothing!

But it has everything to do with what has been going on over here.

Let us begin with where we left off...
Dyxon's Birthday.

That cool lucky little kid was still receiving gifts in the mail...
long after the candles on his cake were blown out.
He's such a corn ball.   Look at him cheesin' it up for the camera. 
He cracks me up!
Guess who will be going as a Pirate for Halloween?
Yep, this guy!

Check him out here doing his
"super cool" slam dunk
with his new birthday basketball hoop!
Lovin' that face!
Watch out Michael Jordan!

As for me...and Chris...
we are completely
Overwhelmed with decluttering...
can't wait for when the refurbishing and decorating steps kick in!

But none the less, we are enjoying the freedom it has been offering us.
Things are more mellow and peaceful without the visual clutter.
Ignore the red basket of large stacking blocks on the stack of chairs (still looking for a place for those), the laundry basket on the shelf, vacuum cleaner that was left out and the panel on the frontdoor.
Just keepin' it real folks!

We could really use some new flooring and a brighter color on the wall
(I'm thinking a green that Land of Nod has would be pretty ~ especially with some black furniture).

I guess that means black paint needs to be put on the list too.  Already have plans to make something like this in black (via Ana White):

Happy Birthday Dyxie Doodles!

Today we celebrated your 4th birthday.
What a wonderful 4 years we have had with you. 
It was so adorable how all day you continued to remind me that you were not yet 4 until we had sung "Happy Birthday" to you.

How cute you were in believing that the song is what signified the change.

And so, we set off to go make your cake.
But not just any cake... a
Chocolate Cherry Jubilee Cake!
mmmmmmm, delicious!
And, when asked what you wanted for your Birthday Dinner...
You chose:
pasta salad and cheese crisps.
Not a bad combination, if you ask me.
Leave it to you to be so creative!
Happy Birthday Dixie Doodle Dandy!
We love you!

Happy Birthday Dylan

I cannot believe that I have a 17 year old (as of Aug 28th).  How did that happen?  I mean, really?!  When did I become the mother to a 17 year old?  I still feel like I'm 20.  Well, maybe not that young.  But still...!
I'm not sure what you are thinking...but I'm thinking that this came WAY too fast for me.

Yet, at any rate...we celebrated Dylan's 17th Birthday this past week and he had such a fantastic time.
It began by him receiving a mountain bike in the mail. 
Well, not exactly the style he was hoping for....
{which is a "pink" BMX with white tires}. 
well, not exactly like this... although I think he would really like this one too!

So he awaits for his mom (that's me) to get it together and send the bike back so that his BMX can get ordered.  Sorry, not so certain it is going to be pink though.  We shall see.

In my defense...I'm not really Wonder Woman {which I totally have my husband convinced of... although I cannot fathom why}
 I will get it done amongst all the diaper changes & feedings of Dylan's infant brother, potty training of his little sister, homeschooling of his youngest 5 siblings, laundry, oh and decluttering, purging and cleaning of the house...oh, and did I mention dinner...something I know Dylan enjoys greatly....I will get to it then.  Right after I do all of that.
Reserved especially for his BMX that he so patiently awaits
Moving on...
Next came the most coveted item on his birthday wish list....

Way to go, Dylan!
Now for some cool tunes to listen to.
How bout a bit of the BeeGee's?
stayin' alive, stayin' alive...
What?....No?...Are you sure?
Well then how about some GnR?
Ooooo ok, a bit more towards your taste...?
Ha ha...

Add a little bit of the Gospel (scripture set for Seminary) to that...
soooo serious
Add a cool new "Animal" hat
and you got One Cool Happy Birthday Boy...

alright, alright...
One Cool Happy Birthday Guy!
Happy Birthay Dylan...
Your Family Loves You!

Exactly 2 months ago (June 25)  we added another blessing to our family.
He has grown so much and is such a cute little chunky monkey, covered in rolls and chub.  Chubby legs, chubby arms, chubby knees & elbows but who can resist the mention of his chubby cheeks and his dimpled chin?  Not a one in this family!

We are so blessed to have him!
Thank you Heavenly Father for trusting us with yet another one of your beloved sons.

This Sunday past, we had the privilege of witnessing yet another wonderful miracle.  The ordinance of a "blessing and a name" for this sweet man child.

Our famliy with Bishop Fabiano (holding Daxyn)

Dagyn Marie

our little papoose
7 years ago we celebrated the birth of our daughter, Dagyn Marie.

Dagyn, you are a blessing to us and to your family. 
You are such a sweet and kind little girl. 
You always show selfless acts to all you encounter in all you do. 
You are so very smart and an inspiring example to your brothers and sister. 
You are everything we have ever wanted in a daughter. 
We love you,
your Heavenly Father loves you...
You make this world brighter!
Dagyn had an eventful birthday.  It began by visiting the splash pad/park with some of her home schooled friends.
Dagyn then conquered the spinning monkey bars. 
This is something she has been working on for years. 
What an accomplishment for her on her 7th birthday ~ thanks to the help from  her friend, Dallin Hipps.
As per her request, we then headed over to Old MacDonald's for lunch.
{McDonald's to the rest of the world} 

Mmm mmm, gotta love them burgers!
As soon as we returned home, we found out that Cousin Micah
{our family's hairstylist}
was down the street giving Gma Madsen a haircut.  
Dagyn has been yearning to cut her hair {for quite some time} and donate it to the little children who have cancer {Locks of Love}.

Thanks Micah...You are Amazing...We love you!
She was so excited & happy with her new hairstyle when she came home. 
Gma Madsen then took her shopping for a couple of new birthday outfits
{tags still intact}.
For dinner she had her favorite meal...
{girl after my own heart}
and topped it off with chocolate chip cookies
{courtesy of her Primary Presidency}
with vanilla ice cream that we had in the freezer which was left over from Daxyn's blessing the day before.
Birthday Treat
You would think that all of this would have been a perfect ending to a perfect birthday...yet, she still has her brand-new bike that is waiting to be picked up and is expecting even more gifts in the mail from her
Gpa & Gma Walker.
new bike
surprise in the mail

After opening her gift in the mail, it inspired yet another photo shoot. 
This time we took it outdoors.
These are her own poses. 
Everything I had suggested, she would just giggle at me like I was silly.
What a blessed girl she is...
or rather, what a blessing she is to all of us!
{handmade flower clip ~ bday gift from her friend Madeline Hipps}

Happy Birthday Dagyn!
My cousin, Kyle has the most beautiful wife, inside and out {at least that is how we refer to her}.  She is in a contest for 96.9's search for the
Hottest Momma. 

(more info below)
So far, she has made it to the top 50! 

{Way to Go, Danielle!  We Are So Proud of You!}

We hope to see her win this contest...so please do us & especially her & her family this favor and vote for her today!...and tomorrow....and the next day...and then everyday from here on out until the contest ends.  Which I believe is August 29th.

But for now...let's get her to the top 25!
Winner for the Top 25 will be announced August 23rd...so go vote now!


MIX 96.9 is looking for the Valley's HOTTEST Moms!
 VOTE NOW for your favorite HOT MOM (THAT WOULD BE DANIELLE)! You can vote one time for one Hot Mom every day! (Voting is limited to one vote per verified e-mail address per day.)

If you?re voted the Valley?s HOTTEST Mom, you?ll win a $2,000 VISA Gift Card, a $1,000 Gift Certificate to Red Mountain Weight Loss, and a San Diego Beach Vacation Get-away!

The MIX 96.9 Hot Mom 2010 Grand Prize winner will be announced on August 30, 2010.