Here it is Thursday, January 14th and I can finally say we have got our Spring Semester Schedule down.

It only took us 2 weeks...not too bad considering Devyn came back from a whirlwind of extra curricular activities with his dad {Sea World, SanDiego Zoo, Wildlife Park Zoo & Lego Land} the week right before school resumed.  Next time I will remember to not schedule something like that right before we get back to schooling. 

But, all things considered...we are back into the groove.
One thing Devyn & I have discovered over these past 2 weeks is that he needs a Compass for his day.  I had read about this in the TJEd book called Leadership Education and more recently on my friend, Celeste's blog post {The Binder and The Compass} over @ Cinder Mountain Scholars.

We already had our Binders in place but I then realized that it was "The Compass" Devyn was lacking in his day and that we could both benefit from applying it here at home to better {chart our course}.

So we have started to implement it into place and things are looking like they are {on course}.
1/16/2010 12:04:56 pm

I've tried posting on your blog before but it didn't work. Hopefully it does this time...

I'm glad my post helped. I read <a href="http://deannasutterhomeschoolingblog.blogspot.com/>Idaho Sutters</a> and she helped me...Ah the circle of friendship Online! I found that my kids needed the Compass. I have heard them talk about it a few times. they are more focused with a Compass to direct them.


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