I love playing Ketchup...er, I mean catch up.

So, what's been going on?
Well, let's see here...after we celebrated Chris' birthday here at home with dinner of his choice {Pizza and German Chocolate Cake}....we have had the following events occur:

Day at the Lake on Uncle John's New Boat
Dyson's Birthday
Bee's in the Neighbor's Backyard & a Glimpse of Our New Beekeeper
Splash Pads are Now Open
Pack Meeting
and... Our Budding New Make Up Artist

I believe all deserve their own post.  So, over the next few hours (if I am overzealous enough) or in the next few days I will let you all in on what we've been up to.  {Once I've finished up I'll link up to each post.}

Stay Tuned....

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